Giving Badass Mommas Their Power Back

Our current healthcare system bullies and belittles patients, because it operates from the only thing it knows — fear.

It’s My Mission to Empower One Million Moms.

How many times do you leave your Doctor’s office feeling frustrated? You went in with a plan and a list of questions and walked out feeling completely deflated…even belittled. This happens every single day in America. With moms it’s conflated. There’s a reason the U.S. has more cesareans per year than any other western country. Why? We don’t have a healthcare system, especially not for moms and kids. We have a sick-care system that prioritizes fear over the innate healing ability of their bodies. In fact, the majority of decisions about their health is based upon what could go wrong, versus what could go right. Which often leads to devastating consequences, especially with pregnant moms. But here’s the truth: Your body knows what it’s doing. It knows how to give birth and your children’s bodies know how to be healthy. If you have unwavering trust and faith in the amazing capabilities of the body, anything fear based will just be white noise. Be educated, know your options and take back your power during the most powerful time of your life.

You are creating a human being , it doesn’t get more powerful than that!